Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog Post #9 - Mission Space Final Boarding

Final Boarding
Mission Space is finally launching today, Mar 20, 2008.
This is the last call for final boarding as YOU prepare for take-off with Ethan and Michele.

~ Click here to launch Mission Space ~

~ ~ ~ Scenario-Based Design ~~~
As we get closer to doing the Web-based module using scenario-based design, what are your biggest concerns? What skills would you still like to learn during this class (other than Web design)? What cool things have you discovered that you would like to share with your classmates?

I've learnt a number of concepts and considerations/principles ... user-centered design, principles for effective online learning, usability, podcasting, scenario-based design, etc. I've also picked up a number of tools/software in this course so far ... Audacity, Hot Potatoes, Dreamweaver, etc. The challenge for me is to choose the appropriate and suitable tools, and put them together to make an effective courseware ... with all the other concepts and principles at the back of my head.
I want to polish up my web-based design and development skills, go deeper into Dreamweaver, Flash and Director (on my own). I also want to incorporate videos to augment the courseware that I will be doing. So, skills in Studio, ImageReady and Photoshop are competencies that I want to build up as well.
Powerpoint is a simple and appropriate tool for storyboarding and scenario-based design, such as the design for Mission Space. The next part of this project is to develop Mission Space as a web-based learning module.
Watch out ...
as it is coming to a Web-Space near you
on April 10, 2008!

Blog Post #8 - Mission Space Final Preparation

Mission Space
Coming To A Blog-Space Near You
Mission Space is the Scenario-Based Game/Learning Package version of the Powerpoint-Based Storyboard Learning Package "Learning About Our Solar System" in Blog Post #7.
Learning Objective: To learn about our Solar System using scenario-based game.
Actors/Agents: Ethan (my son), Sonya (my daughter), Michele (my wife) and me.
Player: YOU.
Scenario: The monsters from Monster Inc. had runway from Disney World because little children scare them too much. They are flying in space, trying to get out of our Solar System into a faraway hide-out in another galaxy. Ethan has been given a mission by Disney World's Mission Space Center to find these monsters and bring them back to Disney World (otherwise, the Monster Inc. show cannot go on). And of course mummy (Michele) has to go along to ensure Ethan's safety.
Plot: Ethan and Michele are in the rocket ship. I am at the Mission Space Center reading out the mission to Ethan and Michele. Sonya will be at the Control Room and will be describing to Ethan and Michele the whereabout of the monsters, e.g."we have them tracking for the smallest planet in the Solar System". Ethan and Michele will then need to select a destination from their screen and go there. If it is the correct destination, they may find the monsters or will be given the next clue to find them. If they got it wrong, they may be faced with danger or stand to lose these monster forever!
Game Objectives: Your mission is to help Ethan and Michele descipher the clues described by Sonya at the Control Room and make the right decision to select the correct destinations so that Ethan and Michele can find those monsters and bring them back to Monster Inc. In playing this game, you will learn about our Solar System.
So, are you ready? Let's board the rocket ship ... err, not just yet, the space ship is in its final stage of maintenance and will be ready for launch at Disney World's Orbiter in Spring. In the meantime, get yourself ready, stay fit and healthy, and see you after spring break!

Mission Space will be launching in Spring 2008.
Hurry for final boarding as we prepare for take-off next week on Mar 20, 2008.

~ ~ ~ Critique On A Learning Scenario ~ ~ ~
Review one of the web sites linked as examples of learning scenarios from the slides we used in class. Briefly critique the site. Are the elements of story all present? What are they? What might you change?
I reviewed the Investigating Technology: Computer Literacy For Educators story-based learning at i.d.e.a.s. Learning http://www.ideaslearning.com/it.html.
  • Setting - The storyline of this scenario-based learning is about a classroom teacher named "Miss Sage" who has mysteriously disappeared, and I (the player) is supposed to find her from the clues around the classroom. In the physical setting, I played this game at home. However, educators (intended audience) may play this game in a classroom setting, which is similar to the game setting for better effects.
  • Players - Miss Sage (who is missing), Miss Sage's computer in the classroom (which will be giving the instruction, and the Headmaster (whose voice comes out from the wall speakers). I find the actors a little boring and may not be motivating for the targeted audience of this course.
  • Mission - The mission is to find Miss Sage and her students. This mission was clearly given to me (the player) by the Headmaster at the beginning of the course. Through the game, the learning objectives to learn computer hardware, software and the Internet can be achieved.
  • Plot - The plot is innovative and refreshing for me to achieve the learning objectives. I have to decipher the clues given by the computer in order to find Miss Sage and her students (game objective). In doing so, I also learn computer hardware, software and the Internet (learning objectives). But I just thought that the storyline was a little too kiddy for the targeted audience (educators).
  • Conflict/Resolution - The course uses clues given by the classroom computer to compel me to engage the story, and this is tied to the game's mission and the learning objectives. The motivation to engage the story seems a little weak, though!
  • Emotion - There is not much, if not NONE, emotion that I've seen in the scenario setting. Maybe the shouting of the Headmaster through the wall speakers!

Overall, I think the storyline is very innovative, but a little too boring for me!