EME 6415 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER COURSEWARE: Blog Post #9 - Mission Space Final Boarding

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog Post #9 - Mission Space Final Boarding

Final Boarding
Mission Space is finally launching today, Mar 20, 2008.
This is the last call for final boarding as YOU prepare for take-off with Ethan and Michele.

~ Click here to launch Mission Space ~

~ ~ ~ Scenario-Based Design ~~~
As we get closer to doing the Web-based module using scenario-based design, what are your biggest concerns? What skills would you still like to learn during this class (other than Web design)? What cool things have you discovered that you would like to share with your classmates?

I've learnt a number of concepts and considerations/principles ... user-centered design, principles for effective online learning, usability, podcasting, scenario-based design, etc. I've also picked up a number of tools/software in this course so far ... Audacity, Hot Potatoes, Dreamweaver, etc. The challenge for me is to choose the appropriate and suitable tools, and put them together to make an effective courseware ... with all the other concepts and principles at the back of my head.
I want to polish up my web-based design and development skills, go deeper into Dreamweaver, Flash and Director (on my own). I also want to incorporate videos to augment the courseware that I will be doing. So, skills in Studio, ImageReady and Photoshop are competencies that I want to build up as well.
Powerpoint is a simple and appropriate tool for storyboarding and scenario-based design, such as the design for Mission Space. The next part of this project is to develop Mission Space as a web-based learning module.
Watch out ...
as it is coming to a Web-Space near you
on April 10, 2008!


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