EME 6415 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER COURSEWARE: Blog Post #10 - Counting Down ... 10, 9, 8 ...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blog Post #10 - Counting Down ... 10, 9, 8 ...

Project Management For Web-Based Learning
Ah, project management! Looking to the web-based module assignment, try to break down the various tasks and estimate time for completion. Also identify any resources you will need to generate or obtain.
"Project Management is like scaling a mountain ... you plan your start with the end-state in mind!"
At Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Ok this is going to be like scripting Star Wars I - Phantom Menace after Star War IV, V and VI had been launched. The project management story goes like this ...
I was tasked to develop an online learning module to teach kids (age 10 and below) about our Solar System. I adopted EME5603's Dick & Carey's Model to systematically design the instruction and EME6631's Plan-Design and Develop-Evaluate approach to manage this project.
Planning Phase: I conducted Needs Assessment (from EME5601), defined the objectives and scope of the project, and laid out what needed to be done for this project.
Design and Development Phase: I put in some thoughts about learning style and age-appropriateness (from EDP5216) and motivational design (from EDP5217) into the design. I also adopted some tools I've learnt from EME6415 to help in my design. For example, I used Powerpoint as a Storyboarding tool to design the lessons to teach the kids about our Solar System. I also used Powerpoint to draw out the Scenario-Based Learning Game to support the learning. Then, I transferred the design into a Web-Based Leaning Module and Game using Dreamweaver and Frontpage.
Formative Evaluation Phase: I conducted the test with Sonya and Ethan. I will fine-tune the web-pages before publishing them on Blog Post #12 on April 17, 2008. In the meantime, try these from my previous posts ...


Blogger Helen said...

Hi Francis.

Slightly curious about your inclusion of a needs assessment?


April 4, 2008 at 10:44 AM  
Blogger Francis Tan said...

I'm building this like a project (EME6631 kicks in here) to develop instructional materials to teach kids (<10 years old) about our Solar System. Hence, the flow of the project from identifying what is needed to design (using Powerpoint as a Storyboarding tool), to actual web-based production (using Director and Dreamweaver) ... yes, EME5603 applies here!

April 13, 2008 at 9:53 PM  

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